Vermicompost Biohumus
Vermicompost is nothing but the excreta - or coprolites - of earthworms. It is a black crumbly soil-like and pleasant-smelling mass, similar to black humus earth. Since Vermicompost contains a large number (up to 32% by dry weight) of humic substances - humic acid, fulvic acid, and humins - it gives this organic fertilizer high agrochemical and growth-stimulating properties. All nutrients therein are in a balanced combination in the form of compounds bioavailable to plants
... Read moreVermicompost is nothing but the excreta - or coprolites - of earthworms. It is a black crumbly soil-like and pleasant-smelling mass, similar to black humus earth.
Since Vermicompost contains a large number (up to 32% by dry weight) of humic substances - humic acid, fulvic acid, and humins - it gives this organic fertilizer high agrochemical and growth-stimulating properties. All nutrients therein are in a balanced combination in the form of compounds bioavailable to plants. Vermicompost does not contain pathogens, helminth eggs, weed seeds and heavy metals. Moreover, it contains a unique community of microorganisms useful for soil and plants, which, when Vermicompost is introduced into soil, settle in it, secrete phytohormones, antibiotics, fungicides and bactericides that can displace pathogenic organisms. All this, in the long run, makes soil healthier and eliminates many widespread diseases of plants.
Vermicompost is highly effective and environmentally friendly organic fertilizer, which improves agrochemical properties, refines and increases output yield of agricultural crops.
Furthermore, Vermicompost has exceptional physical and chemical properties: water resistance of the structure (95-97%) and maximum water-holding capacity (200-250%). This allows to consider it as an excellent soil conditioner and ameliorant.