BioBizz Bio Bloom

Product for pre-order

What is Bio·Bloom? Bio·Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer which contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering. Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the flowering process. Bio·Bloom also contains enzymes and amino acids, which work in harmony with the soil to promote flowering and fruit production

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Volume: 250ml
  • 250ml
  • 500ml
  • 1L
  • 5L

What is Bio·Bloom?

Bio·Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer which contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering.

Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the flowering process. Bio·Bloom also contains enzymes and amino acids, which work in harmony with the soil to promote flowering and fruit production.

Therefore Bio·Bloom is an independently working fertilizer to be used during the flowering period on soil, soilless media such as Coco·Mix or in soil enriched with cocout fibres.
Moreover, Bio·Bloom allows strong stems and thus a strong plant!

How to use Bio·Bloom

Bio·Bloom can be used from the flowering period till the harvest. Biobizz advice is to add per litre water approx. 2-4ml Bio·Bloom . Follow our grow schedule for the best results.

The nutrients in Bio·Bloom

Potassium helps the forming and flowering of petals and bulbs. Phosphorus gives the nutrients that are necessary to make the calyces and the petals grow. Especially the addition of potassium in the nutrient program, in combination with the change in the day/night rhythm, allows the plant to receive the trigger for flowering.

- See more at: http://www.biobizz.com/en/products/organic-fertilizers/bio-bloom#sthash.OIb171zY.dpuf


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