Growshop Baltic Light Mix + mycorrhiza, 20L

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Organic soil for seedlings. • Peat — 45% • Compost — 40% • Vermicompost — 5% • Perlite — 10% • Mycorrhiza Root Better — 2 g 

Vermicompost (biohumus) is a natural fertilizer, a product of the processing of organic agricultural waste by earthworms. Biohumus improves the structure of the soil, its water-physical properties, prevents the development of bacteria and pathogenic fungi, ensures a healthy microflora in the root zone, and stabilizes pH level of the soil.

Perlite keeps the soil light, so it does not cake and passes oxygen to the roots.

Mycorrhiza — blend of beneficial fungi that live in symbiosis with the plant. Apply the powder to the roots when transplanting, or dilute it in 100 ml of water and pour under the root.

  • Peat — 45%
  • Compost — 40%
  • Vermicompost — 5%
  • Perlite — 10%
  • Mycorrhiza Root Better — 2 g